You'll decrease inflammation

  How ketosis reduces inflammation

When your body is in ketosis, it is using fats for energy instead of sugars. Sugar happens to be inflammatory. Your pain doctor may have told you to cut it out if your pain is caused mainly by inflammation. Excess sugars in the body can cause:

  • High amounts of insulin to be produced
  • Increased inflammation
  • Production of free radicals. These molecules inflame linings of the blood vessels and stimulate the body’s immune system to respond.
  • Chronic diseases that can cause chronic pain

The relationship between inflammation and chronic pain

Behind much of the pain, we feel on a daily basis is inflammation. Nerve damage, diabetes, and arthritis are all causes for a high amount of inflammation that can cause extreme pain.

Chronic inflammation can arise from many different factors. Sedentary lifestyle, stress, and toxins like those found in tobacco smoke can all lead to chronic pain and inflammation as time goes on. If you have a family predisposition to these issues, it can happen that much more quickly. What you choose to put into your body in the form of foods has a drastic effect on your inflammation levels.

Many people in pain who are suffering from inflammation are looking for alternative approaches. The highly addictive opioid pills don’t appeal to many. They can cause serious side effects and become addictive very easily.

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